8.2 Group e.V. and its principles

The 8.2 Group has decided to proceed on an organic growth development. In an ingenious way, growth develops in each individual part of the Group and also by new members joining and enlarging the network.

One big advantage of the 8.2 Group is the fact that it can resist any take-over or purchase offers. The know-how is implemented in each of its parts and it is not possible to purchase all of them.

Moreover, the division of work within the network prevents a single part from being forced into rapid growth and thus, becoming victim of its own success.

In case of a sudden increase in the order situation, there is always the possibility of passing on orders to other members of the network. This applies in any case to all services individual engineering firms have specialized in.

As for example, within the network all vibration analyses are carried out by 8.2 Monitoring GmbH founded by Bernd Höring in May 2010. And Manfred Lührs and Jürgen Holzmüller specialized on the important topic “Operating life and continued operation”. With the help of this structure, the network can react flexibly as well as dynamically and can grow organically. 

Independence is the Principle

This principle once stated by Manfred Lührs and Jürgen Holzmüller still applies: „We want to be a group of experts who are independent and know-how carriers. “ Thus, it is necessary to have a flat hierarchy reflected in the structure of the association.

Independence is the most important principle and must not be touched as it ensures a long life for the individual experts as well as for the expert offices.

(Author: Detlef Koenemann)